CARBONEX Sp. z o.o.  

"CARBONEX" Sp. z o.o. ul. Budowlana 19 41-100 Siemianowice Śląskie
tel./fax +48 32 203 08 19; tel. serwis: +48 506 158 271; +48 501 894 247 NIP 6340128392, REGON 008133278
Sąd Rejonowy K-ce Wschód Wydz. VIII Gospodarczy KRS 0000089176.
Kapitał zakładowy: 51.000,00 zł. Całkowicie wpłacony.


The unit of impulse control type ZKI is an autonomic shaft signaling device, it is designed to control code of signal transmission during the shaft inspection. His task is to develop signal to unlock the hoisting machine, after receiving two or three bell signals, for time 6 seconds. The unit is primarily intended for those mines in which there are installed the device type ECHO for reserve work in the case of failure ECHO system.

A variation of this device is a unit ZKI/i, which is made as intrinsically safe, designed for installation in potentially explosive methane and / or coal dust.

In both devices, it is possible to implement other control algorithm.