CARBONEX Sp. z o.o.  

"CARBONEX" Sp. z o.o. ul. Budowlana 19 41-100 Siemianowice Śląskie
tel./fax +48 32 203 08 19; tel. serwis: +48 506 158 271; +48 501 894 247 NIP 6340128392, REGON 008133278
Sąd Rejonowy K-ce Wschód Wydz. VIII Gospodarczy KRS 0000089176.
Kapitał zakładowy: 51.000,00 zł. Całkowicie wpłacony.


Device of wireless shaft communication ECHO-PG is intended to use in shaft sinking to communicate between crew in platform and hoist operator in mine shaft and sending transmitting signals from conveyance.

The basic advantages of this system are following:
- two-way duplex audio communication,
- sending transmitting signals from conveyance to hoist machine,
- receiving information signals from hoist machine to conveyance.

The device is intended for use in potentially explosive methane and / or coal dust rooms (intrinsically safe for the group I, category M1). The principle of working of this device, which use the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, is utilization rope as carrier to move electromagnetic waves. Carrier might be created by headrope and tailrope, guiderope and earth, additional rope and earth. In the case when shaft sinking is made not on surface but directly underground it is necessary to use system ECHO-PGi in which headframe unit is made as intrinsically safe too.