CARBONEX Sp. z o.o.  

"CARBONEX" Sp. z o.o. ul. Budowlana 19 41-100 Siemianowice Śląskie
tel./fax +48 32 203 08 19; tel. serwis: +48 506 158 271; +48 501 894 247 NIP 6340128392, REGON 008133278
Sąd Rejonowy K-ce Wschód Wydz. VIII Gospodarczy KRS 0000089176.
Kapitał zakładowy: 51.000,00 zł. Całkowicie wpłacony.


Company CARBONEX Sp. z o.o. was founded in 1989.
The main area of our business is the design and manufacture of communication and control devices.

Our main products are:
  •  Device of wireless shaft communication ECHO,
  •  System of remote control RADIAX,
  •  Acoustic warning device HEROLD.

Our products enjoy a good reputation among users and are widely known. Users of our products are also satisfied with our service maintenance. Our main client are mines in the country and abroad. Our devices work in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, France, Portugal, Ukraine, Colombia, Iran. Our company employs a staff of highly qualified and highly experienced in the design and operation of mining equipment.
In 2007, the company has implemented a quality management system ISO 9001 certificate number QS/15/V/19. The company also has a quality assurance notification No. GIG21ATEXQ050 for equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres according to Directive 2014/34/EU(ATEX).